
How Do You Find Keywords That Will Really Benefit From AdWords?

Keyword searches help in finding relevant and precise information on any subject. An index term, title term, topic phrase, or description, in information extraction, is a word that captures the general essence of an article. The words or phrases used in a subject phrase or index term directly correspond to the subject’s topic or content. Index terms constitute a specialized vocabulary for the purpose in hand of bibliographic retrieval.

The ranking of every keyword used in a search engine is called the density score of that term. The higher the density score, the higher is the position of that keyword in a list of keywords. The opposite is true. A low density score gives a high rank to a keyword; a high density score gives a low rank to a keyword. In other words, the higher the keyword’s rank, the lower is the ranking of all other related keyword phrases.

The people search engines allow only the most relevant keywords in the list of keywords to be shown in search results. Keyword density also helps in determining the relevance of a keyword in a given set of text. Some people search for information on pet care, others for information on internet marketing, while still others search for information on how to raise the level of the house cat. These are situations where having plenty of relevant keywords is most important. Since the information is scattered across thousands or millions of web pages, using every keyword that is likely to produce traffic is not feasible.

The time it takes to rank in the search volume for a given keyword also has a direct bearing on the amount of advertising it can get. If the keyword is highly targeted, it may require weeks or even months to reach the top positions in the search volume lists. However, if the keyword is not highly targeted, it may not take long to reach the top positions in the monthly searches lists, which may then drive huge amounts of traffic to the advertiser’s website.

Google AdWords can be used to target the audience most likely to buy the advertiser’s product or service. The key to getting a good conversion rate is to have relevant ads with appropriate keyword density for each of its contextual options – leading ads, side ads, and ads on the first page of Google. When someone searches for a keyword that is relevant to the ads, he/she may see your ads first in the results page. This means that you are more likely to get a conversion if people search for your keyword. If they do not find your ads in the results page, then they are most likely to click on the links within your contextual advertising that are relevant to the search result.

A good AdWords campaign will work only if it is designed to maximize the value of each keyword. For example, if a keyword is a long tail keyword, and if the competition for it is very high, then it would be a waste of time to advertise it on the first page of Google for that specific keyword. People searching for that keyword will likely search in the other search engines for the same information. Thus, the keyword would be worthless to your AdWords campaign.