Keyword search tool is a technique in searching for specific keywords or phrases in large volumes of material that has been indexed by popular search engines. An index phrase, subject term, topic term, or description, in content retrieval, is a short term that captures the meaning of an article. Topic terms make up a more refined and targeted vocabulary for practical use in online bibliographic databases. The topic term can be chosen to be a synonym for a longer term that is more specific, like a citation or acronym, for the term.

It turns out that keywords, whether synonyms, glossaries or index terms, are really only good when used in combination with other types of search engine optimization phrases. For instance, if a search engine user is looking for information on rain forests, they’d most likely not want to type in “rain forest”, “places with rain forests” or “what plants grow in rain forests”. The search engine would then give a better result for “rain-forest” or “what grows in rain forests” than for any of those other options. This is why it’s so important to use the right keyword combination when optimizing your site.

Keywords have a particular purpose in SEO. They should not be used merely as fillers. Keywords and their meanings are primarily geared towards helping search engine users to find relevant content; therefore, they should be selected based on their intent, or the main reason for writing the article. A meaningful keyword can help a web author to reach his or her intended audience. For instance, if your article is geared towards medical research, your keywords should be based on the scientific names of diseases, the exact definition of each disease, or the pragmatic play symptoms of the disease.

A key to search volume ranking (SVR) is the number of times a given keyword appears in the total search volume every month. This is a useful tool for assessing the popularity of any given keyword. Note that a keyword’s ranking is not solely based on the amount of times it appears, but also on the total number of times it is used. Thus, a keyword with a low search volume may appear many times in a month’s search volume, but the articles that use such a keyword may not have a chance to rank high for that keyword.

The quality of backlinks is also an important factor in search results rankings. Backlinks, also known as incoming links to a website, count significantly in Google’s ranking algorithms. The quality of backlinks is determined by a website’s Page Rank, or PR. Higher PR means more authority, which leads to a higher rank. An authoritative site receives a lot of incoming backlinks, which leads to higher search engine visibility and a higher rank.

Thus, it becomes clear that keywords need to be chosen with an eye towards their intent, or the main reason for writing the article. Choosing the keyword with the most chance of achieving a high rank with its corresponding keyword intent means that the article will be useful for visitors to the website. However, one must remember that keyword intent does not refer only to how the keyword fits into a sentences structure. Good keywords have high search volume with low competition, while bad ones have low search volume and great competition.