In data extraction, an index term, subject name, topic phrase, or description, in data retrieval, is the term that captures the entire meaning of a given document. The terms are specified in a metadata system (XML) and specified by a dictionary. Index terms thus provide a means for the metadata system to provide an exhaustive description of every document in a database. An index term is usually a synonym for a keywords or keyword phrase. These terms therefore constitute a vocabulary for the retrieval operation.

A major advantage of topical long-tail keywords over more generic keywords or keyword phrases is that it facilitates better ranking for documents that have already received significant ranking. Moreover, it facilitates easy and accurate identification of new documents and allows for better referencing from existing databases. In a highly competitive field such as online business, the ability to identify successful marketing campaigns and the resulting sales can be critical to the survival and profitability of any online business. By enabling easy and convenient retrieving of highly relevant and competitively relevant long-tailed keywords, keyword ranking becomes much easier.

One of the most important factors determining a website’s ranking is its search volume, also known as search volume quotient (SVL). Search volume is determined by two things: first, the total number of keyword searches performed every month; second, the average number of keywords per month that websites appear in the Internet search results. The higher the search volume of a given keyword, the more likely that websites containing that keyword will appear in the results. While the relation between search volume and rank may not be perfectly correlated, a positive correlation is likely, because low-key keywords have a lower search volume and vice versa.

Keyword optimization, on the other hand, refers to the process of enhancing search engine rankings through the use of highly searched keywords. Keywords are those words that are searched the most times online, according to search engine queries. In SEO jargon, keyword optimization is the process of “optimizing” your web pages and content to make them rank well with the search engines. Optimization involves several processes, including keyword research, optimizing your web pages, link building, content writing, and so on. A popular strategy is for webmasters to use a keyword-optimized title tag, meta description, header tags, and tag line, to boost the rankings of their pages. Other common strategies used to optimize webpages include using keyword-optimized web content, frequenting key phrases in the address bar, and employing meta tags to optimize content.

Google AdWords and Yahoo Search Marketing (also called Overture) are some of the most popular ways to advertise online. In Google AdWords, advertisers put up ads on specific keywords and then wait for people to click on the ads. In Yahoo Search Marketing, advertisers place ads on search results pages depending on the relative frequency of search requests. Both methods have the advantage of allowing advertisers to pay only when actual clicks on their ads occur, which makes them less subject to pay-per-click laws.

Keyword difficulty is the measure of competition that a keyword might face. It is the standard against which the keyword can be compared to see how it ranks in Google’s search volume vs. the competition level. For instance, let’s look at the keyword “motor bike” and compare it to its competition. The number of searches performed for this keyword will give you an idea of its keyword difficulty. The lower the number of searches, the higher the keyword difficulty.