A search engine’s first result page always displays the most relevant matches for a particular keyword or key phrase. These results are called “crawl indexes”. The word “crawl” derives from the computer jargon used to describe the way that search engines rank web pages. In web search terminology, a “crawl index” is the result set forth by the system when a user types in a given keyword or key phrase in the search field.

A keyword, as defined by a dictionary, is a single word or group of words. An index term, such as a subject keyword, subject line, or subject description, in online data retrieval, is simply a word that captures the general concept of a given document. Subject keywords are intended to best describe the entire content of an article or book, while subject description keywords provide a more detailed description of the subject of an article or book. In online data retrieval, an index term is a keyword, which, when typed in, retrieves the related information that the searcher is looking for. Such an index term is also referred to as a query term.

To ensure that your website ranks on the first page of search results for the specific topics or keywords that you specialize in, you must develop and maintain effective keyword research tools. Keyword research tools can be very complex and time-consuming. For this reason, many website owners choose to outsource their keyword research. However, outsourcing keyword research should be considered an absolute last resort. Unless you have already mastered keyword research and are willing to spend a significant amount of time developing your own tools, outsourcing is not an appropriate solution for your website needs.

Before you select a keyword research tool, you should be able to determine your keyword’s intent. A good intent helps you decide whether your keyword is a good fit for your business or site. For example, if you are a doctor specializing in pediatrics, you would want to make sure that your search terms do not include “pediatrics” in them. If you intend to sell chiropractic supplies, you would not want to include “chiropractic” in your keyword either. Your goal is to identify whether you are in the business of providing medical services, or are you in the business of selling medical supplies.

The second step in keyword research is to analyze the competition. If you have determined that you are in the market for a keyword that will help you climb higher in Google’s SERPs, you will want to examine how other companies are ranking for those same keywords. The competition for key phrases like “top 10 medical terms” can vary dramatically, so it is critical to analyze the competition you face, to determine how you should rank within your advertising campaign, and to figure out which keywords are most likely to draw interested and potentially loyal customers.

If you use keyword research correctly, you can get your ad or link onto the first page of Google for every keyword that you target. Of course, it will be necessary to put some effort into your keyword strategies, to ensure that you rank within the top of the search engine results pages. But by implementing a sensible strategy based on a thorough understanding of how search engines work, you can guarantee success in your online advertising efforts.