In information extraction, an index word, topic term, topic heading, or other descriptive term, in data retrieval, is an easily identifiable term that catches the essence of a document’s topic. Index terms constitute a highly controlled vocabulary for use in electronic documents. In data retrieval terminology, topics are specified using topic terms and indexed terms. In some cases, such as when retrieving records from a large database, topic terms can span multiple database rows. However, when only certain types of information need to be retrieved in the same database, it is often more convenient to obtain a single table for all required information in one designated row.


One aspect to consider when deciding on the best index word or topic is the search volume. Keyword searches are conducted every day, by both human and search engine robots. For these searches, search volume directly reflects popularity. A popular keyword is one that many people search. In contrast, a keyword with low search volume may be worthless because no one is searching for it. The best approach is to find a keyword that is not only popular but also ranks well in the major search engines.

In e-commerce, the concept of marketing automation provides a great deal of flexibility in selecting a topic bucket. An easy solution is to use marketing automation software (MAS), which supports topic buckets and advanced keyword research tools. Once the appropriate keywords are identified, marketing automation software can optimize content for these terms, effectively increasing the search volume of each keyword. Likewise, marketing automation software can provide a list of keywords that rank well in the competitive domain and then refine these keywords based on overall keyword competitiveness. This allows the system to generate competing topics for a given database.

One drawback of using MAS is that it does not support niche topic buckets, which allow users to narrow down the sets of keywords that they wish to market. It also does not provide an easily navigable interface for choosing keywords and discovering good ones. Fortunately, keyword phrases make this possible. These phrases are simple, bite size entities that allow a user to drill down quickly and easily into related markets. When the user finds an appropriate phrase, he or she can choose related tags and specify a site map that directs the user directly to the page where the best phrase is found.

The best keyword strategy is one that generate high search engine optimization scores but can be implemented even when a website is just getting started. The first step is to select a broad topic that a website will address. For example, if the product a company plans to sell “plants,” it is best to focus on those terms rather than “plant care.” Next, identify niches that will allow for relatively low competition, but high search engine optimization potential. After selecting two or three keywords to target, a site map can be generated using a keyword tool at Open Site Explorer or some other web optimization platform.

This site map identifies the location of each keyword relative to the search volume for that term. Each point represents a competing keyword in terms of competition and SEO ranking. A site map should be plotted for each key phrase, with each color representing the primary or most relevant alternative word within the phrase. By focusing on these keywords and establishing good keyword intent, a company’s site will rank better and faster than competitors who do not pay attention to the fundamentals of keyword positioning and optimization.