
Ranking High For Long Tail Keywords

The most important part of any keyword finding tool is the list of keywords used in the search. The list must include at least the ten most widely used keywords, plus any synonyms. This list should be cross referenced to make it more meaningful. When the research is complete, the list of keywords can be divided into categories and subcategories, and the relative frequencies of each key can be determined. This will allow a computer program to better understand keyword searches.

A keyword keyphrase, in text mining, is simply a phrase that captures the subject matter of a document. Keyword subphrases, as well as synonyms, are all part of this natural way of searching for keywords. Subject keyword phrases are good for capturing a broad range of subject matter. Domain keyphrases, on the other hand, group related phrases together to form a coherent category that makes it easier to rank for those phrases.

Another natural way of searching for keywords is to find the most popular way to search, which is through Google. Google ranks webpages according to the number of searches done for each page. For example, if a page about raising turkeys receives ten searches in a month, it is highly probable it will rank highly for that keyword. However, if one page on the site receives three searches, the ranking will be much lower. In order to get around this problem, software programs like WebKeeper make it possible to enter a more targeted keyword in the search box, and then it will only return pages that meet the specific criteria.

Niches are another way of searching for keywords. A site that targets the UK needs to be named for a country, not just a city. Search engines like Yahoo and Google offer searches based on a broader range of categories, rather than keyword quantities alone. By using these tools, it becomes easier to target specific searches made by people with similar interests.

A major consideration in the ranking of keywords is the intent of the person doing the searching. Google does not pay any attention to the actual words searched, but only pays attention to the intent of the user. If a user types in a keyword the intention is for that keyword to bring up relevant results, then that user may rank higher for that search. However, if the user is looking for information on something unrelated to the topic, then that person may rank lower due to search engines not having any connection between the two topics. For instance, if someone is looking for how to stop barking dogs, then they would use a different search engine than if they were looking for information on how to stop barking dogs due to the different intent.

One important thing to remember when searching for keywords or long-tail keywords is that the competition can be fierce. While there are literally millions of websites online that focus on searching, only a few get good ranking. As such, one should make sure they have a compelling enough keyword phrase to draw traffic and to have a strong intent for the page. As with anything in the Internet marketing world, practice makes perfect.