Gambling is an activity where people wager something of value on a game with an uncertain outcome that relies on a combination of skill and chance. This activity can be as simple as betting on horse races or as complex as playing casino games and sports wagers. It is an extremely popular pastime in many countries and contributes to the economy of those that promote it. However, there are also significant negative effects that come with gambling.

The positive and negative impacts of gambling can be structuralized using a model that categorizes them into classes: benefits and costs. These can be observed at personal, interpersonal and community/societal levels (Fig. 1). Personal and interpersonal impacts are felt by gamblers themselves and are directly related to their actions. Community/societal impacts are felt by others and relate to a gambler’s actions that affect others in the community or society as a whole.

While gambling can be a fun pastime, it is important to recognize the signs that it has become a problem. For example, a loved one may continue to gamble even after they have already lost money and are experiencing an increasing level of debt. This is because their brains are wired to receive pleasure from placing bets, which makes it hard for them to stop. This neurological response is triggered by a specific neurotransmitter called dopamine, which is released in the reward centre of the brain. Consequently, gamblers often experience an addiction to gambling, much like other addictive activities such as drugs and alcohol.

In addition, gambling is often promoted by television and other media, which can lead to unrealistic expectations about what can be gained from the activity. For instance, some people believe that winning a lottery is the key to wealth. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Many lottery winners struggle to maintain their wealth and can even find themselves in serious financial trouble in the future.

The negative aspects of gambling include increased stress, poor family relationships, lowered self-esteem and other psychological problems. Additionally, gambling can lead to financial crises such as bankruptcy and homelessness. The negative aspects of gambling can be mitigated by ensuring that the activity is in a safe environment and by setting reasonable financial limits.

Some people gamble for coping reasons, such as to forget their worries or to feel more confident. While these reasons don’t excuse the person from their gambling habits, they do help us understand them better and can make it easier to recognise when a problem has emerged. Furthermore, people in some communities may view gambling as a normal part of life and this can also make it harder for them to recognise that they have a problem. In order to overcome these issues, it is essential that we develop a deeper understanding of how the brain works and factors that may provoke problematic gambling behaviour. This will help us develop effective treatment options that address these underlying causes.