An index term, subject phrase, subject heading, or suffix, in text retrieval, is simply a word that captures the general idea of a document’s content. Index terms constitute a specialized vocabulary for use in electronic databases. They are commonly found in text search applications and web searching tools such as thesaurus. A subject phrase is one that identifies an element of a resource and its description. In other words, it identifies the content of a digital object.


When people searching the web use specific keywords to identify certain things they are looking for, the results from a search engine are also limited to items having that particular word as a subject phrase. To accommodate this, the Search Assistant process identifies subjects in digital documents based on the frequency with which they appear. This means that when searchers type a keyword into the search box, the results list those documents that contain the selected keyword. It is for this reason that people often refer to index terms when talking about this technology.

Keyword position refers to how high a given keyword is ranked among search results when searches are performed by human users. This ranking is determined by various factors, including the amount of times that the keyword appears, the density level of that keyword in relation to other words, and the competition of that keyword with other similar terms. In other words, these rankings are a measure of how important the keyword is to the searcher. The intent of search engine algorithms is to provide internet users with the most relevant search results for a given query.

A backlink is another way to measure the popularity of a keyword. Backlinks are connections from other sites directed towards the specific page containing the keyword or key phrases in question. When a search engine allows backlinks, it considers the quality of that backlink. The higher the authority of the site linking to a particular page, the more likely it is to attract more attention from web users. Higher ranking in search results may also be based on the amount of backlinks to a page.

The last component of search volume is the number of daily searches performed each month for a given keyword. Monthly searches are the most common and widely used type of search volume measurement. This form of measurement relies solely on the recorded daily activities on the Internet and the number of unique visits to websites that contain the chosen keyword or phrases. Unlike search volume which relies purely on recorded data, monthly search volume relies on data provided by online retailers or third parties who gather information from the major search engines.

By understanding the different aspects of keyword research and the many ways that the search engines rank web pages, you will find keywords that will give you the best chance to succeed on the internet. Keyword rank is only one aspect of your SEO strategy. In order to get as high up in search results as possible, your content needs to be informative, well written, and designed to target specific audiences. By combining keyword research, building backlinks, and consistently generating high quality content you can be sure to have a successful career online.