Optimazion is among the most popular products out there for colon cleansing. One is a pill, and the other a liquid supplement you take in the mornings. Both of them differ significantly from each other, in what they contain, therefore it s extremely important to understand what each item has in store for you to purchase. The pill contains psyllium husk, which is a water-soluble fiber. This aids in moving waste through the digestive tract at a faster pace. The pill also contains a liquid that helps flush out toxins that have accumulated in your body over time.
Another difference is that Optimazion includes a tablet form of its product. The tablet contains a laxative effect, similar to the effect of a laxative tea. It helps relieve congestion and alleviate abdominal discomfort. Both capsules and tablets are FDA approved, which means you can be sure they will not cause any adverse side effects. However, if you are pregnant you should consult with your physician before taking this or any supplement. He may put you on a different program.
Optimazion also includes a colon cleanser in the form of a capsule. The capsule is designed to clean out the colon of old fecal matter, which can weigh down your colon and cause you to gain weight. The cleanser can also help stimulate your intestines, improve digestion, increase nutrient absorption, and help you lose weight. Each capsule contains xylose, which is a sugar compound that works as a laxative. This helps you pass stool more easily. The xylose also stimulates the intestines.
The powder is used to add benefits to the cleanser. The powder acts like a laxative, while helping your colon move waste more quickly. The powder can be used as a tea, as a beverage, or to add flavor to a meal. It tastes great and has no aftertaste. It’s much easier for you to ingest than a pill.
Optimazion Plus Colon Cleanser is made for those who want to lose a few pounds but aren’t willing to go on a diet or take supplements. With this supplement you don’t have to. You just need to make some small changes to your diet, perhaps cut back on your fat intake, and use the powder to add benefits to your other efforts. It’s an all-natural, easy to use system for weight loss that has produced great results for many people.
This product can be purchased online. It is also available at your local health food store. There is no warranty, but customer reviews have been very positive. So if you’re looking for an effective, all-natural supplement that works, then you may want to check out Optimazion.