Search engine optimisation is the procedure of enhancing the quantity and quality of site visitors to a particular web site or even a blog from search engine traffic. It is a process that helps in improving the visibility and ranking of a site on the search engines by making the site more accessible and easy to be found by customers. SEO targets free traffic rather than paid traffic or direct traffic.

In simple terms, search engine optimisation is a process which helps in improving the visibility of the search engine sites in the rankings of the search engines. SEO can help a site to achieve its objectives in terms of user traffic and search engine rankings. For instance, it can help a site to achieve top position for a search keyword or to achieve a high ranking for a given phrase or keyword. In general terms, SEO is related to search engine marketing as well.

There are various strategies used in SEO. These strategies include directory submission, social media, blogs, PPC advertisements, article submissions, video submission, forums, directory submission, press release submission, back linking and SEO technique. SEO techniques vary from one search engine to another and sometimes from one webmaster to another. Generally, the search engines use different techniques to index a website.

Some of the search engine strategies are not cost-effective while some are very costly. Therefore, webmasters have to be aware of the costs involved in SEO. This has resulted in increasing competition between webmasters keenly competing for the attention of the search engine spiders and the leading search engines such as Google. Webmasters should ensure that the websites do not suffer due to excessive competition amongst them.

One of the most important aspects of SEO is proper selection of the keywords or key phrases that are relevant to the site. Keyword selection enables the search engine to provide appropriate results based on the relevancy of the keywords or key phrases. The content on the site also plays an important role in providing ranking to the site. Well-written content can be submitted to the web directories with the necessary links.

A well-designed website with the appropriate links is vital for the success of an SEO campaign. These links provide indexed result pages to the webmasters through the search engines thus increasing traffic on the site. Moreover, a properly optimized site will attract visitors who are genuine and is of high quality. These visitors may turn into potential customers of that particular site and this will result in increased sales. These features make SEO one of the most popular ways of promoting a web site these days.