
SEO – How to Rank Well in Low Volume Search Engines

In information retrieval, a keyword, subject category, title/heading/table of content, or other subject label, is a very particular term that captures the exact essence of an object. Subject labels/subject categories make up an organized vocabulary for purpose in electronic data retrieval. These may be created by a data mining operation and later analyzed to yield indexes for easy searching of digital data. These are very particular, very specific, and very well-studied types of subjects.

Search engine optimizing (SEO) phrases are a logical extension of keyword theory. These work in much the same way as keyword phrases would in keyword ranking, using both principal elements of the search engine, the spider and the database. Search terms are the objects searched for and indexed, while keywords are the ways that the search engines find them. Keywords may refer to an actual subject matter or to the vocabularies used in the algorithms that produce the search results. The term SEO is used often to describe techniques for positioning high on the search engine ranking lists.

A keyword has a certain generic meaning, while it conveys a specific meaning to the intended user. This means that each keyword in a query has a different potential intent. So too do rankings. A website’s intent, or its target intent, is not the only thing that can influence a ranking, but it is a factor that have profound effects on the ranking results. If you have a compelling enough keyword phrase that your site is found in the first page of the results page of a major search engine like Google, then you are likely to get a high search engine ranking.

On the flip side, if you cannot compete with the very top keywords for the niche you are interested in, then your optimization efforts are worthless. Competition with keywords that no one else wants is a definite disaster for your business. So how do you find the very best keywords? Do you rely solely on keyword research tools? Do you pay someone to crawl the web and look for keywords? Or do you simply know the exact phrase that will draw the search engines’ attention and make them rank you very highly?

Fortunately, there is much less research required when optimizing a niche keyword than it is when optimizing for a more general keyword. Since most of us are not looking for literal translations of our phrases, we don’t need to be concerned with how long a keyword takes to be indexed by search engines, or whether someone’s ad showed up on the first page of Google when you searched for your chosen keyword. We just want the traffic, and once you’ve optimized for a keyword with enough search volume, you can rest assured that you are in great shape to drive targeted traffic to your web site and to make sales.

A common keyword analyzer is the SEMrush keyword analyzer. SEMrush works off of several metrics to determine the volume of searches done for your chosen term. First, it looks at the number of pages that contain that phrase in their title. Next, it looks at the number of times that those pages appear in the search volume pie chart. Finally, it looks at the average search volume for each of those pages to determine the overall “weighted” keyword importance. Once you have all this information in hand, you can fine-tune your optimization efforts and easily rank well with low volume keywords.