One of the most common medications for hair loss, optimazion is a prescription drug made by Sanofi Aventis. It’s also commonly known as propecia. Like other similar drugs like minoxidil and Rogaine, optimazion does not actually treat hair loss but instead helps prevent it. The way this works is that it helps block the enzyme that causes hair loss called transketylation. This means that instead of doing the actual work that’s causing hair to fall out, the enzyme that’s causing it to happen, Telogen effluvium, is halted.


While some men do report that the side effects of optimazion have been relatively mild, others have reported them to be rather severe. These include dizziness, anxiety, difficulty breathing, hot flushes, headaches, nausea, and stomach problems. Most of these side effects seem to subside after a week or two. However, there was one man who began having chest pain, unusual heart palpitations, and anxiety upon using optimazion. He later developed lung disease as a result of this drug.

The only known benefit of this drug for women is that it can help prevent hair loss during menopause. The problem is that while it can be effective at preventing hair loss, it also blocks the hormone estrogen, which is essential for the health of the prostate and the health of the hair. As a result, in women, it can lead to hair loss and also an increased risk of osteoporosis. Men taking optimazion who also take estrogen medications have also reported an increase in prostate cancer.

There are mixed results when it comes to the use of optimazion for treating male pattern baldness. Some men report great success while others don’t have any noticeable effects. Also, some side effects have been noted including diarrhea, indigestion, and vomiting, though these seem to go away after taking it for a few weeks.

The most common side effects in both men and women taking optimazion are constipation and diarrhea. These side effects however are caused by the interaction of the ingredients in the pill with other medications you may be taking. For example, some medications interact with the serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRI’s, in the body. This medication class is used to treat depression, anxiety, nausea, and appetite control. While it is effective in treating symptoms of hair loss, it can also be a cause of these other side effects.

Also, as an antihypertensive, it can cause high blood pressure, which can lead to heart attack. There are also reports of vision problems occurring with these drugs. These include blurring of vision, double vision, and tunnel vision. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should contact your doctor immediately and see if this is a side effect of your medication. However, these side effects tend to go away within a week or two, so it may not be a serious concern.